With hindsight, it is easier to see wrong and right more clearly, but what about right now? Maybe the Spirit is guiding some of us. We need to strive to unite ourselves to God's Will.
A reflection on the Sunday mass readings 2/14/21. To know Jesus and to be in a relationship with him, we have to go to where he is. Seek.
The act of writing helps me to get traction from thoughts that would otherwise just be spinning wheels. Not wanting to go nowhere, I took some notes when reflecting on the readings for this coming Sunday.
Making Future Me Now, through time, discernment, and action. Do you dream of the future? What's holding you back from having it now?
What is man that you should keep him in mind,
mortal man that you care for him?
Do you have a survive or thrive mentality? If you're one who thrives, what is your strategy? Balancing the urgent and important with what makes you alive.
I am an average guy, who thinks average things, and thinks that the truth often lies in the average. The case-by-case application of this requires an open conversation with every participant willing to humble themselves and meet in the middle ground.
Everyone is at least somewhat familiar with the power of screens. We lose track of time in front of the stimulating blue light of TVs, tablets, and cell phones. This loss of time pulls us away from beauty of life around us that is more meaningful though less stimulating.
We need comfort. We need challenge. We need to be on the cusp of comfort and challenge.
In the midst of the strangest Easter morning, I find my self up with my daughter. Mom was up at every hour of the night with the baby, so she needs rest. Somehow our little Bean was also up but is awake just fine.