An Underrated Aspect of Heaven

An Underrated Aspect of Heaven

Recent events have had me doing a lot of research and explaining the way I see things, multiple times, to multiple people, with varying levels of success. Disagreement and misunderstandings can be very frustrating, especially when there is little or no clear authority to make the final call. As much as I like to hash out my ideas or hear myself talk, this is one aspect of life that I don’t think I will miss in Heaven.

Longing for Peace

Whether it is debate between countries at war, politicians fighting for office, or just a neighborhood dispute, I don’t think many of us will miss this part of life in Heaven. All will be explained – the good and the bad. All will be understood.

When we want someone to see our way or when we strive to understand another perspective, we are truly desiring peace.

In Heaven, we will have this gift of the Spirit in its fullness. As much as we are able to, we will be filled with Grace and the most profound peace.

For Now, Get What Peace You Can

Until then, humans will continue to have disputes. My new philosophy is like a mix between the Serenity Prayer and Stephen Covey’s Circle of Control vs. Influence. It is summarized by this prayer:

God, grant me the ability to explain my thoughts clearly when I must, the humility to let go when I am not understood, and the prudence to know when to act in order to bring Your peace as best as I can.”

While writing this, I remembered another post I had written that was a useful look back. For more reflection on letting go, go read The Circle of Uncontrol.