Bourbon Flavored Toothpaste, Anyone?

Bourbon Flavored Toothpaste, Anyone?

I’ve been listening to James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits, on Audible. In it, he mentioned that if you want to repeat a habit, you should make it satisfying. He states that this is why toothpaste is minty, to leave a fresh taste that makes people like brushing their teeth more.

Am I alone in disliking the taste of mint as I fall asleep? Sure, I like minty to wake up, but at night it seems to ruin whatever I’ve been enjoying for the evening, whether dessert or a night cap.

Bourbon flavored toothpaste, anyone?

Or does this get added – along with a 3-chambered breakfast mug for carrying coffee, water, and OJ – to the list of inventions that only I would want?