Blog or Journal?

I am not sure what to call these everyday thoughts.

In the past, I have kept notebooks to jot down song ideas, to-do lists, and prayer reflections. I never put a title to these notebooks before though.

This feels different, a little more official because of the public nature of these words.

Is this a blog or a journal?

Bring in Old Merriam

Words are super important. You can use them to explain extremely complex things, to joke around, or even do both at the same time. Using the right word can be the difference between understanding and miscommunication at any moment.

So bring in Merriam-Webster on this conversation and we get the following:

Blog“A website that contains online personal reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks, videos, and photographs provided by the writer.”

Journal“A record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use: diary” or “a daily newspaper”

Alright, so I learned something new. Looks like this is definitely a Blog, but it has some characteristics of a journal. Therefore, this will be a blog called, Journal.

What is its Purpose

My hopes for Journal are that by getting something out of my head and somewhat thought out each day, I will create a habit of thinking and putting the thoughts into words. This serves a few purposes.

  • Clarify thoughts by explaining and linking them together
  • Remember ideas
  • Learn something new, and learn from the past
  • Become a better writer
  • Become a better thinker

Those are some ideas as to why I should write each day.

On Looking Back

Looking back at the past is always interesting. It is amazing to see how much changes over time through photographs and even old notebooks and school projects that I find still laying around my parents house. Reading what 5 year old me was thinking is adorable. Reading what teenage me wrote can be awkward and embarrassing. All of these little documents are imprints of where I was in that moment.

I am sure there is a healthy balance to reflecting on the past to learn from it versus getting lost in desiring those moments again.

I believe that balance comes somewhere from gratitude and thankfulness for all that has occurred to lead you to the current moment.

Journal Blog

That is Journal. My blog of frequent thoughts. Not quite a diary, but not entirely not a diary. It is not news, it is just a pad for the modern pen of a keyboard. To think and let the thoughts out so I can go on to thinking more.

I’ve already thought enough on this for today, and the Bean is waking up again, probably hungry.